Universe | Hare & Feather |
Nicknames | Penny |
Age | 22 |
Height | 5’6″ |
Race | Hare |
Occupation | Ranger |
Likes | coffee, competition, solitude, action, learning |
Dislikes | crowds, losing, bugs |
Keywords | confident, competitive, studious, disciplined, practiced, caring, compassionate, hardworking, narcissistic, stubborn, passionate, content, oblivious |
BSky Tags | #penny |

Penumbra is the newest recruit at Lagopagos Ranger Outpost #3 (a.k.a. “LPRO3” or just “O3”). Fresh out of ranger training, she is extremely capable and ambitious. Penny impresses even the senior rangers at her outpost with her skill, even though she can be a bit rigid and by the book. Her lack of field experience shows, but she’ll learn quickly.
Penumbra is a bit of a loner, preferring to spend time at home reading, preparing coffee, or working on whatever her latest hyper-fixation happens to be.
Having a strong sense of justice from having to defend herself growing up, she became a ranger to protect the animals of the island and the people of the city.
Any attention not spent on helping other people is directed toward herself. Her early life has conditioned her to believe that the only person you can truly trust is yourself, so might as well be the best version of you that you can be.
Unfortunately, her lack of proper self reflection leads to a bit of narcissism and obliviousness.
To be filled out.
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